The Heraklion police are convinced Vasi caused Alecos’s accident. The police in Aghios Nikolaos are not so sure and investigate another suspicious car in the area that is brought to their attention, causing tension between the two forces.
When Vasilis tries to raise the money for Vasi’s bail discrepancies come to light on the hotel accounts.
Dimitra, Alecos’s girl friend, visits the hospital and decides that a doctor is a better marriage proposition than a bank manager. Teasing the doctor seductively she finds to her cost that the doctor loses patience.
Vasi thinks up an ambitious scheme to help his friend, Yiorgo, and buys Manolis’s fishing boat. He also considers the ideas Saffron puts forward for the use of his father’s house.
Due to Alecos’s crafty manipulation of events, Vasi is forced to make a purchase he had not intended as the only way to clear his name.
I never want to reach the last page of Beryl Darby’s books.
Linda Lucioni
ISBN 978-0-9574532-0-3
Paperback book £7.99 (+Postage and packing £3.50)